Friday, December 29, 2006

Another conversation with Cerys

This conversation actually happened about a week and a half ago, so it's very old news, but I've been wanting to post it since then, and I have a morning to myself while the girls are at Costco with their daddy, so here goes.

Tim: Cerys, have you noticed that Mommy's belly is getting big?
Cerys: (Nods)
Greta: Do you remember the last time Mommy's belly got big?
Cerys: (Nods)
Tim: What was in there last time her belly got big?
Cerys: Um, toast?

1 comment:

Mrs. said...

Greta- Hilarious! When my mom was prego with my baby brother (7 years younger) I had a very similar convo with my parents...They asked why we thought mom's stomach was getting big...I said, "Because she is gettting FAT." Awful!

Also, I do want to know the babe's sex and I need your snail mail address too- can you send me an e-mail?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!