Saturday, June 30, 2007

Back in the game...sort of

I've envisioned hundreds of times over the last nine months lacing up my shoes and going for a good run. I have missed those endorphins, and I've especially missed the 30 minutes of guaranteed ME time--a respite from the constant cries for "Mommy" that I get all day long. So having gotten a clean bill of health at my six-week check on Wedneday, I rolled out of bed at 7:15 yesterday morning and ran out the door. Ten minutes later I was huffing and puffing, and my legs felt like lead. So I walked the rest of the way home. And today every muscle in my legs aches, and my right knee is creaking.

I know, I know, I JUST had a baby six weeks ago. But I was so disappointed. I'm in a lot worse shape than I thought.


Mike Stavlund said... and me both!

comebacks are a ...pain.

but let's keep slogging together :-)

Mrs. said...

way to go. I haven't been able to walk all weekend- I may never go back to the gym.

kate said...

Good for you, girl! It's awesome that you tried. (do you do it right after a feed? that was my sloshy hangup with jogging post-birth. and definitely a lot longer than six weeks afterward!)

Anonymous said...

Ok enough!!! you do need down time and running is great way to do it. So you go girl!