Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

I've never been so busy in all my life. College was nothing, the fast pace of DC living was a breeze compared to the never-ending demands of three under-fours! I'm not complaining, just stating the facts. Almost every day an idea for a post creeps into my thoughts and is quickly forced out again by a cry for milk, juice, diaper change, crayons, playdoh, story, song, ad nauseum. I went through a severe bout of post-natal depression, was miraculously healed, would love to write about it, but haven't found the time. I tried a half-dozen times to upload video to YouTube before realizing I needed to compress the file before I could do that, so much time was wasted there. Started running again and was amazed at how much it easier it is now that my pelvis doesn't feel like it's breaking in two. Went to the beach in Wales and had a marvellous time experimenting with living in community. And hundreds of other events and thoughts have occurred in the past month or so, but that's all I have time for at present. The blog is a bit of a catch 22 for me. I love writing, but don't feel like I have the time, but if I don't take the time, I feel frustrated. Oh the horror!


tae said...

Thanks for taking the time to write this much. Oh, I just want to hop a plane and come over.


Anonymous said...

You've started running again? That's great. I'm so glad you're taking at least a little time for you!

kate said...

Greta -- thanks for this little snippet of your life! I'm sorry to hear you were having a rough time, and praising God that it's history. Many blessings on the five of you and your busy days.