Friday, August 27, 2010

Hearing God

I've been practicing listening to God lately, or at least trying to, and I am amazed at the subtlety and flow of his voice. Of particular note is when he told me Stacy was going to get pregnant last November when I was in DC. My friend Laurie was talking about her miracle baby, and I looked over at Stacy and just knew she was next. It wasn't a prophetic word as we might be used to. I had no intention of sharing it with anyone, and I don't really know why I got it, but when I got an e-mail a month later from Stacy asking me to ring her, I was pretty sure I knew what she was going to say. I've spent the last nine months praying for this little miracle, and yesterday I had the strangest feeling that I was missing the birth, but then I remembered she wasn't actually scheduled for her c-section for five more days, so I relaxed. But my husband came rushing into our room this morning to say baby Stav had arrived. Strange. I don't know what it's for, and maybe it is all a big coincidence and my hopes just happening to come true, but what it makes me feel is that God knows how much I miss my friends, and he's connecting me to them and reminding me that though the world is vast, he's holding us together.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Writers block

I've got it bad.

I think part of the problem is that I've been a bit sad this year. I've been struggling with some friendships and some family stuff and some church stuff and have generally felt quite misunderstood, and I can't just put that out into cyberspace for any old person to read and feel slated. And since I don't do surface, I've been a bit stuck. But I stupidly challenged my friend to each write something "good" before his baby's due in five short days, and since he has smacked down, watch this space. I'm not one to bow out of a challenge.