Monday, January 12, 2009

I've got five minutes.

I dreamt last night that I wrote the most profound post ever written. It was as if God himself had spoken through my keyboard, and it was beautiful. I read it out in my dream, and then I woke up and it was gone.

I am struggling to juggle kindergarten and preschool and play groups and discipline and diapers and whining and reading and cooking and cleaning and the endless tidying and streams of questions and whys and the me-time that I so desperately need and the wife-time that my husband needs and the husband time that I need and wondering how long we can go on at this pace. I'm reading Job and realizing that it's just all too big, and so I embrace what I can and let go of what I can't and practice just being and knowing that God is good.

Sometimes it's the joy in the midst of pain that is the most satisfying.

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