Saturday, March 21, 2009

Looking for God

I have been doing my annual attempt to read the Bible in a year again. I usually get to the minor prophets sometime in the summer and get so unbelievably bored that I give up. This year I am on track to read the Bible in three years, which is probably a more reasonable goal for a mother of three. What has struck me most in my readings is how very present God is. I so often look for God in the heavens, as an other-earthly being who needs to come down and step in to my situation. But what I see again and again with Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, and Moses is that they often engaged with God without even realizing to whom they were speaking until he had left. And that reminded me of Jesus when he said that whenever we clothe/feed/house a stranger, we are clothing/feeding/housing him. And somewhere else the Bible mentions hosting angels without being aware of it.

While this revelation isn't earth-shaking, it has made me see my life just a little differently. Rather than looking for God to come down, I'm wondering how many times I've missed him and I've started looking for him everywhere.


Danielle said...

Nice to see back on the blogosphere! You're always full of insights and encouragements--hope all is well with you and Tim. Wish we were closer.

Aunt Maria said...

This immediately made my eyes fill up with tears. You are so right in this. He is here, indeed! Sorry for those minor prophet boredom attacks. It must be a man-woman thang (mispelling intended). I know men who can't seem to get enough of those pages!
Love to you and your family.
Goooo Greta !!

Aunt Maria said...

P.S. We have some great pom-poms for you at our house. I know that your girls would love watching me cheer, that is, if we could get Tim to let go of them.:)