Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How does my garden grow?

My mother-in-law gave me this great book a year or two ago, and I finally found the time to do one of the many great projects in it. We spent most of the last three days in the garden, getting very dirty and having lots of fun, and we now have peas, carrots and lettuce planted in the vegetable patch, and we have lemon thyme, sweet peas, dianthus, and erysimums in our "smells of spring" flower patch.


Danielle said...

SO impressive!!!

Wunnovus said...

What a wonderful garden Greta. Well done you. Hope it brings you all alot of joy. love, Katx

kate said...

How picture perfect! Lovely job.

unclemutt said...

You guys need a stumpery!

Mrs. said...

how is your garden grow-ing? any updates?

hope you are well.