Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Our friendly neighborhood burglar

Tim and I sat down to watch a movie, "Walk The Line", on Monday afternoon after settling the kids down for their naps. As Tim tried to put in our security code for the pay-per-view, it was declined. So he tried it again and again it was declined. So he yelled to me "Hey Greta, isn't our security code 1234?" and I replied "I think so, but try 0000. I can't remember but it's definitely one of those." We hadn't bothered to change the generic code it came with. That was declined too, and so Tim realized that Sean had changed our code. I thought "No way, why would he do that?" but he was outside in the street in his usual fashion, so Tim yelled out, "Hey Sean, did you change our security code on our NTL box?" and Sean replied "Oh, yeah, sorry, it's 2580. But I didn't do nuffink wiv it, I just changed it. 2580. Sorry, mate." At least he's a helpful burglar.

1 comment:

Mrs. said...

Unbelievable! That is too much!

So sorry to hear about the burglary. Though I am amazed at the lessons one receives when encountered with injustice. Seems like there are so many layers to this story. Thanks for sharing.