Friday, September 01, 2006

10 Reasons Why Getting Burgled Sucks

1. Your child incessantly asking to watch Lion King and you having to reply that she can't because the mean boy came and took her DVD player. (Perhaps this should also go on the list of reasons why you should never introduce children to tv.)

2. The wasted hours on the phone with the insurance company.

3. The horrible feeling of knowing that you may have to look your neighbor in the eye whilst giving the testimony that may land him in prison for a long time.

4. Equally horrible to have to see his mom knowing that you are putting her son behind bars.

5. Giving statements to the police for 4 1/2 hours in an uncomfortable chair and not being offered tea, coffee, or snacks.

6. Having silver finger-printing dust in various places of your house that annoy you, but not enough to make you just clean it off.

7. Feeling a little unsure of whether you are being watched when you enter your house or walk past a window at night.

8. Having to use an old-fashioned phone with a cord, making it impossible to multi-task whilst having a conversation and nearly impossible to get to the phone in time to answer it.

9. Not knowing whether things that you can't find have been stolen or if you just can't remember where you put them.

10. The general feeling of annoyance I've felt since arriving home from a very wonderful vacation.

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