Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Guest Appearance

Thanks for the inviting me to be a guest on your blog, Greta. Happy
to be here. Where do I clip this microphone? Tea? Can I get some tea
with this big wedge of cake? Ok, what do you want to know? Right.
Yeah. Sure, I'll talk about that - but hand me some more of that cake

It's always a joy watching how our children develop their language
skills – seeing them work hard at watching, learning, and then having
a crack at putting associated sounds into practice. The joy they
experience when they get it bang on, resulting in the turning of
smiling heads and cheers of 'hurray!' from their close family
members... ah good times. good times.

What's even more of a joy is when they don't quite hit the target,
but are convinced that they have. This takes a little longer to
'correct' since, as far as they're concerned, it's a done deal.
They've already moved on to the next challenge. And not that we want
to correct, cos it's so darn cute.

For example:
Swiper the Fox is a very naughty character from Dora the Explorer
who's always trying to swipe Dora's stuff. Sometimes he gets his
loot, but most of the time he's rumbled by Dora and her best friend
Boots who see the fox with just enough time to chant thrice 'Swiper
no swiping', which results in the foiling of Swiper's horrid plans.
Swiper's response to this outcome is always the same, he clicks his
fingers and yells 'Oh ma-a-a-a-a-n!'.

For the past couple of weeks, when we pray at the dinner table to
thank God for the day we've had, and for the food we're about to
enjoy, we all hold hands to pray. Cerys loves the bit where Greta or
I say '... in Jesus' name' since that's her cue to yell 'AMEN!'
Addien, of course, joins in unison with a hearty lung-filled 'Oh ma-a-

VERY good times!



Anonymous said...

As I sit here in my childless, but pet FULL house, I admire Greta and Tim and their family.What a lovely life now and ahead of them!!! I am surprised but happy to hear of Greta's pregnancy, and wish them all the best that life has to offer. Greta and Tim, I am so happy to hear that the business has taken off and is prospering! Bulgarian property and everything! Go figure!!!!
Good on ya, glad you are all well and happy and in Greta's case, fat! Ha ha ha!!! You can find me at - will explain the ugly details in private email!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to be there to hear Addien's 'Oh ma-a-

kate said...

Awesome. I mean, uh, brilliant!
That Swiper. He's quite a memorable one. We had a long stretch where Lizzy was really afraid of him. She never wanted to be alone for fear that Swiper was nearby and would 'steal' her.