Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Peace, Fruitfulness, and Passion

Looking back on 2007, I came across the three words I used to describe what I hoped 2007 would be.

It was a year of peace. Tim and I got along so well this year. I feel like we really hit a stride in our communication. We lived in a peaceful neighborhood. We enjoyed peaceful sleep with a baby who started sleeping through the night at 12 weeks.

It was also a year of war. We fought depression. We fought fear and worry with Macy's hernia. Tim had stress at work.

It was a year of fruitfulness. Our third child was born. Elliottyoung grossed record revenues. The children grew. Addien learned to talk, Macy learned to move, and Cerys started preschool.

It was also a year of want. Tim worked too hard and wasn't home enough. I missed my friends and family in America. We spent too much time watching tv and not enough time working on our to-do lists. My stint with Creative Memories came to an end.

And passion. We celebrated our five year anniversary. I feel more in love with my husband every day. I was passionate about finding God in my everyday life. I was passionate about being a good mom.

I had lots of days that were just hum-drum as well. I struggled with feeling stuck in my life, feeling like everything is on hold until my kids are a bit older. I don't know where a lot my days went--they seemed to fly by without my participation.

I guess that's life. Full of light and dark, good and evil. That's what I learned in 2007. I learned to let some of my boxes go, to let some color into my black and white viewpoints. I found peace amidst turmoil, joy through sorrow, passion in mundanity.

For 2008 I hope for more of the same. I'd like to see my boundaries of faith, love, and grace pushed further open and to be challenged in those areas. I want to grow as a mom and develop my skills as a leader and teacher. I want to find one new thing to explore, either cooking or writing, I haven't decided. And I want to have joy. Much, much joy.


Mike Stavlund said...

writing!! writing! I vote for writing! If nothing else, it's easier to send it to the states ;-)

Anonymous said...

That sounds like quite the year! I think your words were absolutely perfect. Just so you know...your family in America missed you too but I'm glad you did as much growing (with your children and husband) as you did. No matter what has happened this last year, I think you are an amazing sister and mother. I know that I am the older sister (and hopefully you are able to look up to me in some ways) but I truly admire you as a mother and woman. As I get ready to have my first baby girl, I hope to achieve half the things you have as a mom. I think you are loving, caring, warm,compassionate,and all the things a mother should be.
Happy New Year..from your big sis:)