Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A new day

It's been a year and three days since my last post.

I thought I was going to give the blog up altogether, but I just can't seem to let go completely. Part of my problem is what I like to refer to as Jo March syndrome. Like her, I should have been a great many things. And I'm still trying to narrow down my interests to a manageable mix of fun and mentally stimulating activities that perhaps may one day turn into a living.

My latest love is sewing. I've been making dresses, baby clothes, quilts, bags, stuffed animals, etc. I have also dabbled in gardening, baking, painting, decorating, starting a moms and tots group, and looking into finally finishing my degree (choices narrowed down to law, social work, midwifery and culinary arts). Like I said, a great many things.

Tomorrow marks the end of an era in my life. My baby girl is starting full-time education. Diapers are a thing of the past, and now so are mid-day play dates, lazy mid-week mornings, late afternoon snuggles on the sofa. I will no longer hear the phrase, "Is it time to pick up my stisters?" several times each day. In fact, I may never hear it again.

Tomorrow I will drop all three of my children off to school and start my new life as a...

If only I knew how to complete that sentence. I'm thinking perhaps it's time to start up the blog again as I figure it out.


thelifetrain said...

Yay! I love the blog! Maybe I will re-start mine too. :)

Mike Stavlund said...

bring it!