Thursday, April 09, 2009


I never wanted to be a mummy, which is the unfortunate English term for a mother. I am Mommy, Mama, or Mom, thank you very much, indeed. But as my children's English accents are becoming more pronounced, I am slowly leaving my identity as Mom and moving into one of Mummy. Which is probably appropriate, as my waking hours are becoming more and more about mindless wandering, doing tasks that require little if any brain-power. If anyone sees me walking with my arms out in front of me, knees not bending, don't be alarmed, I've just been mummy-fied.


anna said... make me laugh!!! And I never thought I'd see the day when you became a "Mummy!"

Danielle said...

Such a great post!! I've often complained to Seth that our first born skipped the endearing "momma" and went to annoying "MOM!!!"