Sunday, April 27, 2008

Session 5

Meister Eckhart is chopping logs. 'I could do that for you' offers God. 'You already are' says Meister Eckhart.

You already are.

Don't neglect the natural. In my background I have been taught to go after the supernatural, and my response to God's offer would have been, "yeah, great, thanks" as I expected to watch the logs magically split and neatly pile. But it occurred to me that I would be as well off praying that someone would find the cure for cancer or that we would be enlightened as to how to avoid cancer all together, as I would be praying for God to heal. Not to leave God out of the equation, but to recognize that all good things come from God, whether supernaturally or by the work of our hands. God has given us these bodies to use, not to overcome.

As Sister Lucy put it, God asked "Who is chopping logs?" And the response is I AM.

God, put it deep in me that all my actions are for You and by You because You are in me.

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