Monday, June 05, 2006

And so it begins

Right now my world consists of two little girls who are asleep but will be awake in a couple of hours, a sink full of dishes, a floor that needs to be mopped, a dinner that needs to be made, laundry that needs to be done, and groceries that need to be put away. My head is swimming with thoughts of things I'd like to do but probably won't manage to do today because my time seems to be sucked away by things like getting drinks of water, changing diapers, rescuing my 8-month old from sticking a week-old pea that she's discovered in one of the cracks of the floorboards into her mouth, telling my 2-year-old not to put the Lion King DVD into her mouth, putting stickers on her potty chart, etc. I often end the day and think "What did I actually do today?" And I don't often have a very satisfying answer. But actually, I'm okay with that. Because I'm trying as hard as I can to just be a really good mom and a really good wife and a really good neighbor and friend, and I'm asking God to help me to do those things, and I have faith that even though that's all I can manage right now I'm playing my part and somehow God's Kingdom is going to benefit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely a really good mom and the dust bunnies will still be there when the girls are all grown up. What you are doing is taking especially good care of the blessings God has chosen to give into your care for a time!