Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I fell down

I got up to run this morning at 6:00. 6:05, actually, since I pressed snooze once. I was out the door at 6:30 and met my friend Sarah in the park for a lap before heading back home. (Cue Chariots of Fire theme music) I had run further and faster than I'd done before, and after the 30-minute mark I was feeling like I could go on for miles. But then (cue vinyl record screeching to a halt sound effect) I hit a grate and my right knee and both forearms hit the pavement and skid. Ouch. My runner's high was thwarted by the clutziness that is Greta, and I hobbled home licking my wounded pride and muttering profanities in my head while waving my hands in the air to try to stop the incessant burning caused by the roadburn.


Mike Stavlund said...

Running to escape real-life responsibilities? The thirty-minute endorphine rush? Fallling down and swearing? Oh, my dear Greta, you are a real runner now!

I absolutely love your blog, too. Keep running and blogging and mommying-- you are an inspiration to the rest of us!

timthewelsh said...

You're an inspiration to me too, my darling.

We runners have got to stick together.